Pembina Institute Appoints New Executive Director

Calgary — The Pembina Institute today named Dr. Marlo Raynolds as its new executive director effective February 1st, 2004. "The Board conducted a comprehensive review of candidates across the country. Although the field of applicants was very strong, it was clear to the Board that Marlo's strategic leadership and management skills coupled with a deep personal commitment to sustainability and solid understanding of the human and technical aspects of energy and environmental issues positioned him as the best person to lead the Institute forward," said Grace Gruber, Board Chair.

Dr. Raynolds has served the Institute in a number of different capacities since 1995. For the past four years he has held senior management responsibilities while leading the Institute's work in providing research and project development services to private sector corporations, government agencies, first Nations, public interest groups and non-government organizations.

"It is an exciting opportunity to fill the Executive Director role at the Pembina Institute", said Dr. Raynolds. "The Institute is such a unique organization where a small number of passionate and talented professionals make real, positive change to protect the environment and human health."

"Progress is definitely being made, but Canadian society is still highly dependent on dirty non-renewable energy systems," says Dr. Raynolds. "What we've striven for in the past, and will continue to achieve moving forward is collaboration with others who share the vision of an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Canadian economy. We will continue to drive for changes to public policy, demonstrate practical change at the corporate and community levels, and empower today's youth to become more holistic decision-makers and leaders."

Tom Marr-Laing, who has served as the Acting Executive Director during the past four months, will assume the position of Policy Director. "I'm looking forward to working closely with Marlo and the rest of the staff at the Institute in advancing meaningful public policy change — particularly in the areas of climate change, renewable energy, and reducing environmental and human health impacts from conventional energy development."

The Pembina Institute, founded in 1985, is an independent, not-for-profit environmental policy research and education organization respected for its technical excellence, collaborative style and effectiveness in achieving positive change. The Institute's main focus is on sustainable energy, climate change, environmental governance, ecological fiscal reform, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impacts of the energy industry.

For more information, contact:
Marlo Raynolds, 403-269-3344 Ext. 113
Tom Marr-Laing, 403-227-5986
Visit the Pembina Institute's website at for more information


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