Pembina Executive Director in Top 40 Under 40

Dr. Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director of the Pembina Institute, has been named a recipient of Canada's Top 40 Under 40TM  award for 2008.

Canada's Top 40 Under 40TM is a prestigious national award program which each year honours 40 Canadians in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors under the age of 40. The program is in its 14th year and is managed by founders Caldwell Partners International.

Marlo and his peers were selected from over 1,100 nominees by an independent Advisory Board, comprised of 25 business leaders from across Canada. Honourees were chosen on five key criteria: vision and leadership; innovation and achievement; impact; community involvement and contribution; and strategy for growth.

The Pembina Institute is a national non-profit think tank that advances sustainable energy solutions through innovative research, education, consulting and advocacy. Pembina has 55 staff and seven offices in four provinces and one territory. Originally from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Marlo joined the organization in 1995 and assumed the role of Executive Director in 2004. He now lives in Canmore, Alberta.

"Marlo's strategic and visionary leadership, collaborative style and unwavering commitment to building a sustainable energy future have contributed tremendously to Pembina's ability to cultivate lasting positive change in Canada. Pembina's Board of Directors and staff are extremely proud of Marlo and congratulate him for this richly deserved award" says David Armour, Chair of the Pembina Institute's Board of Directors.

"This award is a reflection of how important the Pembina Institute has become in helping all sectors - government, corporate, NGO - find practical solutions to the most challenging energy and environment issues of our time," says Marlo.

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The 2008 Recipients of Canada's Top 40 Under 40TM are featured in The Globe and Mail on May 1, 2009.

Marlo Raynolds short bio and mug shot

Top 40 Under 40TM website 

For more information contact:

David Dodge
Communications Director
The Pembina Institute
Tel: 780-701-7196
Cell: 780-232-6162

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