Pembina available for comment at United Nations climate conference in Marrakech

Photo: UNclimatechange flickr

MARRAKECH — Erin Flanagan, federal policy director, is attending the COP22 climate conference in Marrakech until the conference adjourns.  She is available for commentary on the conference’s developments and its implications for climate action in Canada.

Building off of the success of last year’s Paris climate talks, this year’s negotiations are imperative for an ambitious and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Moroccan Presidency’s emphasis on pre-2020 action is an invitation for countries like Canada to raise the ambition of near-term domestic mitigation measures. These negotiations are an opportunity for Canada to continue to demonstrate climate leadership by taking concrete steps to align its climate policies with the ambitious emissions reductions goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. 



Media contact in Marrakech:
Erin Flanagan
Director, Federal Policy

Media contact in Canada:
Kelly O'Connor
Communications Lead

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