Pembina applauds Alberta’s practical steps to phasing out coal plants

Pembina Institute reacts to Alberta government’s electricity announcements

November 24, 2016
Media Release

CALGARY— Sara Hastings-Simon, Director of Clean Economy at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Alberta Government’s announcements on compensating coal power generators:

“We are pleased to see the government of Alberta moving forward with the phase out of coal power pollution in the province. Looking at the full balance sheet of costs to the government and society shows that the coal phase out will benefit Albertans.”

“Coming on the heels of a federal commitment for an accelerated coal phase-out, this only reiterates that Alberta is moving in the right direction by using funds from the levy on large emitters to implement this phase out. Communities and labour groups  are already asking for an opportunity to play a greater role in the development of a clean economy in Alberta.

“There is a near term role for natural gas in Alberta’s grid, but the facilitator identifies the risk of overbuilding natural gas. The clear market signals provided by the end date for converted facilities along with the capacity market mechanism can avoid over investment in natural gas infrastructure that leads to stranded assets.”



Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead



Out with the coal, in with the new

Job growth in clean energy

Breathing in the benefits


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