Ontario budget doubles down on electrification and EV manufacturing

Response to the 2022 Ontario pre-election budget

Queen's Park, Toronto

Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, by Pembina Institute

The media release below was published before the Ontario election period began on May 4th. However, the budget put forward by the government remains relevant in the lead-up to the election. If you're interested in learning more about the Pembina Institute's advice to candidates and parties for the Ontario 2022 election, please take a look here

Government can do more to offer targeted incentives for EVs and building retrofits and to generate a robust climate plan

TORONTO — CAROLYN KIM, Senior Director, Communities and Decarbonization at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to 2022 Ontario Budget: Ontario’s Plan to Build

“The Pembina Institute is pleased to see the Ontario government’s continued investment into the supply chain for electric vehicles, which offer environmental and public health benefits to Ontarians. 

“The investments and support of the entire EV supply chain -- including critical minerals, battery manufacturing, charging infrastructure as well as support for entrepreneurs and workers -- are important steps. These major investments should be paired with incentives targeted at small businesses, transit and school bus fleets, as well as Ontarians with low and moderate incomes and those living in rural areas.

“As the government works to make life more affordable for Ontarians, they should support building retrofits, which will address the climate crisis as well as lower energy use and utility costs for consumers. Building retrofits can also generate skilled jobs and economic growth. To take advantage of this opportunity, Ontario needs even more investment in the building sector, robust supply chains and skilled tradesas well as retrofit incentives and low-income support programs.”

The coming energy transition will require that government continue to attract private capital for climate-friendly infrastructure for the most polluting sectors. While EVs, critical minerals, transit, investments in a GHG-free grid and community resiliency are all vital steps for addressing climate change, ultimately provincial investments must be more clearly aligned with a robust and measurable climate plan.”



Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute




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