New Service: Corporate Sustainability Check up and "SWOT"

The Pembina Institute is pleased to announce the availability of a new service:
the Corporate Sustainability Check-up and SWOT Analysis.

With this service, the Pembina Institute's Corporate Eco-Solutions Program helps companies to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats related to their business efforts to enhance sustainable business practices. The service provides companies with a check-up on their progress towards sustainable operations, and suggests strategic options for further action. The SWOT analysis considers the three main elements of sustainable development and the triple-bottom-line: environment, economy, and society.

Pembina Institute staff work with company representatives to take stock on progress toward sustainable practices, focus on management systems to support decision making, and identify barriers to success and strategies for overcoming them. The Pembina Institute team also offers a perspective on the way the company's performance is seen from the outside, by selected environmental organizations, ethical and SD indices, and available industry benchmarks.

The Corporate Sustainability Check-up and SWOT Analysis helps a company identify practical opportunities to

  • Integrate sustainability into the corporate business strategy
  • Incorporate the triple-bottom-line into all levels of decision making
  • Capitalize on sustainable business opportunities
  • Integrate eco-efficiency initiatives into operations.

"We are taking a conventional approach familiar to business, and applying it to the increasingly important and visible area of sustainability," said Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director of the Pembina Institute. "Much of the input comes from people within the company. The value we add is to provide a framework, focus on the important questions, and reveal the context of external factors influencing corporate sustainable development today. In a fast-changing environment, it can be hard for a company to gauge how they are doing with respect to sustainability and where to focus their efforts. We are in a position to provide an objective perspective, on a confidential basis."

Barbara Campbell leads the Pembina Institute's SWOT Team, a multidisciplinary group including engineers, policy analysts and organizational change specialists. "I like to apply my business training and experience to environmental matters, helping organizations realize economic and other benefits from improving the sustainability of their operations and investments," Barbara said.

An Associate with the Pembina Institute since 1995, Barbara has worked with the Corporate Eco-Solutions Program since its inception. Twenty years' experience consulting to government, business and non-profits complement her BBA and CMA designations.

The Pembina Institute's Corporate Eco-Solutions Program promotes sustainable management practices for corporations, and works with companies on a client-confidential basis to develop sustainable business strategies and drive continuous improvement.

For more information on the Pembina Institute and its activities, visit our Web site at

To discuss how a Corporate Sustainability Check-up and SWOT Analysis can help your business, contact Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director, 403-269-3344 Ext.113,

Download our Corporate Sustainability Check-up and SWOT Analysis information sheet.

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