New research project supports Canada’s net-zero grid goals

Pembina Institute available to comment

CALGARY — BINNU JEYAKUMAR, Program Director, Electricity, made the following statement in response to Net-Zero Advisory Body announces new net-zero research projects

“Pembina Institute looks forward to starting work on our project Regulatory Solutions: Analysis and recommendations to accelerate the electrification of buildings, transport and gas production. On March 20, 2023, the Net-Zero Advisory Body and Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, announced that our project is receiving funding from the Government of Canada’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund.

Canada has committed to achieve a net-zero grid by 2035, which will provide multiple environmental, social and economic benefits for Canadians. Working towards this goal also provides an opportunity to improve the reliability, resilience and affordability of Canada’s electricity supply. But the path to a net-zero grid needs early and bold action by governments, as well as industry.

While we have seen progress both federally and provincially being made towards reducing emissions in Canada’s electricity sector, there remain regulatory barriers which are hindering the integration of clean energy and electrified end uses into the electricity grid.

Regulatory solutions in the electricity sector will be critical for ensuring industry and government strategies support decarbonization of grids – key to achieving net-zero grids by 2035. Our project will provide regulatory recommendations to help advance the electrification of Canada’s highest emitting sectors. It will help transform energy demand and establish how electricity regulatory bodies can support a net-zero economy.

One of the key pathways to a net-zero grid by 2035 is ensuring robust Clean Electricity Regulations (CER). By establishing immediate and clear regulatory standards through the CER, a cost-effective widescale electrification of a net-zero grid is achievable.

We are delighted to see Canada taking further steps towards its net-zero grid goals by supporting net-zero research and engagement projects.”



Courtney Smith
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


This 2022 primer on net-zero grids explores principles, benefits and pathways to achieving a net-zero electricity grid in the Canadian context.

Report: Achieving a Net-Zero Canadian Electricity Grid by 2035

The Climate Action and Awareness Fund, created under the Environmental Damages Fund and administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada, is providing up to $206 million to support Canadian-made projects that help to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions.

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