New government must capitalize on momentum around the clean energy economy

Pembina Institute reacts to results of 2023 Alberta provincial election

CALGARYChris Severson-Baker, executive director of the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to Alberta’s provincial election results:

The Pembina Institute congratulates United Conservative Party leader Danielle Smith on winning a majority government.

We look forward to working with your government to implement the Alberta Emissions Reduction and Energy Development plan, including your commitment to develop a series of targets designed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This plan includes introducing regulations to substantially reduce emissions from the oilsands sector and reducing methane emissions 75 to 80 per cent by 2030We strongly urge you to put in place a plan with short-term goals and clear rules to provide industry with investment certainty. This would help business leaders achieve substantial emissions reductions, while simultaneously allowing them to capitalize on opportunities provided by the clean energy boom. The rapid growth of clean energy around the world demonstrates that we can grow the economy and simultaneously keep energy affordable and reliable.

As aAlberta-headquartered, national non-partisan think tank, we work with all political parties on constructive ways to make the necessary shift to a more diversified, resilient clean energy economy. The Pembina Institute stands ready to assist with advice on how to reach this goal.



Hanneke Brooymans
Senior Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


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