New Federal Numbers Confirm the End of Support for Renewable Power

COPENHAGEN - Stephen Harper will be the only G-7 leader to arrive in Copenhagen
without a major national program to support renewable power.  New data
from Natural Resources Canada [1] reveal that the federal government's
support for renewables will effectively end as of January 2010.

federal government has supported low-impact renewable energy
development through the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program since
2007. The initiative has been very successful in creating clean energy
and new jobs in every province, and has been very important to
fostering the growth of renewable power in Canada.

The government's decision not to renew the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power program,
(or to invest in another program to provide meaningful support for
renewable power) indicates that the federal government has no plans to
provide any support to new renewable energy projects in 2010.

almost 11,000 megawatts (MW) of projects in the queue for a program
designed for 4,000 MW, it is pretty clear that the last few dollars
have been spoken for," said Tim Weis, Director of Renewable Energy and
Efficiency Policy at the Pembina Institute. "At the current pace of
growth, federal support for renewable power will effectively finish
this month."

It has been clear for months this program would
end prematurely [2], but there has been no signal from the government
that it intends to renew or strengthen its previous commitments to
renewable power. In contrast, the United States has created a very attractive investment market by outspending Canada on renewable energy by 14:1, on a per capita basis, in their respective 2009 budgets [3].

Canada's renewable industry on the cusp of a major growth spurt
creating jobs while delivering long-term environmental benefits, it is
a strange time for the federal government to walk away," said Steven
Guilbeault from Equiterre. "This new federal data is yet another
illustration of why Canada is lagging here in Copenhagen."

ecoENERGY budget was set at $1.48 billion, paid out over 14 years [4].
In comparison, the Federal government allocated $1.5 billion this year
to nuclear power ($651 million in 2009) and to carbon capture and
storage for coal ($850 million over 5 years through Clean Energy Fund).

reducing emissions becomes increasingly urgent, this government is
choosing to subsidize pollution, rather than reduce it," Dave Martin
from Greenpeace Canada
added. "The tar sands continue to receive billions in subsidies from
this government while renewables are left out in the cold."

Canada has the potential to generate at least 20% of its national electricity from the wind alone - a feat Denmark
accomplished in the year 2000. Combined with other renewables such as
biomass, small hydro and geothermal, renewable power needs to play a
major part in delivering on the government's promise to achieve 90 per
cent of Canada's electricity from non-emitting sources by 2020.

The Pembina Institute has released a fact sheet that outlines many of the benefits that wind power can deliver for Canada.


Chart: Uptake of ecoENERGY for renewable power
(data for graph collected from Natural Resources Canada)

For more information contact:

Tim Weis
Director, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
The Pembina Institute
Cell: 613-601-6519

Hannah McKinnon, Communications Coordinator
Climate Action Network Canada
In Copenhagen: + (45) 2553 6081


[2] "It
has been a very successful project. It is anticipated that we will have
exhausted the funding about a year and a half earlier than anticipated.
That has caused great concern for the wind energy folks." Honourable
Lisa Raitt, Minister of Natural Resources, Standing Committee on
Natural Resources (April 23, 2009).

[3] canada-v-us-investment-in-re-ee-backgrounder.pdf

In comparison, the federal government allocated $1.5 billion this year
to nuclear power ($651 million in 2009) and to carbon capture and
storage for coal ($850 million over 5 years through Clean Energy Fund).

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