National energy framework: Pembina Institute available to comment

CALGARY — Energy and mining ministers from across Canada will meet starting this weekend in Kananaskis, Alta., for the 2011 Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference. The conference's agenda for Monday, July 18, focuses on discussing a potential "Canadian Energy Framework".

Ed Whittingham, executive director of the Pembina Institute, will attend the open session on developing a national energy framework on Monday afternoon. He will be available to comment on the ministers' discussion and the outcome of the conference.

The Pembina Institute supports a national framework for energy development that respects environmental limits and is compatible with Canada's climate change commitments. In Kananaskis, the Institute hopes to see Canada's energy ministers recognize and support:

  • The need to shift to sustainable, zero-emissions energy sources, and the associated economic opportunities
  • The need to build broad consensus around the focus and design of a national energy framework
  • The need to engage Canadians in an effective, inclusive dialogue about the future of our energy systems.



Ed Whittingham
Executive Director

Julia Kilpatrick
Media Manager


Learn more about the Pembina Institute's work in support of developing a national energy strategy, our vision for what a sustainable energy strategy could look like, and the guiding principles that we think should shape a cross-country dialogue on Canada's energy future.

The detailed agenda for the Canadian Energy and Mines Ministers' Conference is available online.

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