Legislation Combined with Propaganda Threatens Alberta's Interests

Coalition Launches Initiative to Accurately Inform Albertans

November 21, 2002
Media Release
Pembina Institute

Coalition Members
Alberta Federation of Labour
Albertans for Ratifying Kyoto
Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union
Parkland Institute
Pembina Institute
United Church of Canada

A coalition of labour, church, environmental and public policy groups is launching a campaign to protest the Alberta government's new Kyoto legislation and challenge its high-profile mis-information campaign. Starting today, the coalition will begin distributing a flyer entitled Climate Change Reality Check — Straight Talk About Kyoto. The goal is to provide factual information on Kyoto, so Albertans can critically assess the Alberta government's position.

"Albertans need these facts, so that they can see the Klein campaign for what it is — propaganda," said Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour. "The so-called Alberta plan is not a solution — it will lead to a 30 — 40% increase in emissions in this province."

"The public should now see the hypocrisy of this new Alberta government legislation on Kyoto," said Rob Macintosh, founder of the Pembina Institute. "The Alberta government has pursued an agenda to undermine climate protection based on the demands of industry lobbyists. Our energy industry has the capacity to innovate and meet Kyoto targets."

Larry Derkach, Chair of the Edmonton Presbytery United Church of Canada, speaking on behalf of the United Church, said Canada has the third highest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world, and Alberta's emissions are three times the Canadian average. "Canada has a moral obligation to reduce its emissions. The global atmosphere is finite and we are using far more than our share."

"The very people whose jobs depend on energy support ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, provided there is a just transition program in place. We can protect jobs and the environment — all we need is the political will," said Don MacNeil of the Communication, Energy and Paperworkers Union.

"There is great scope for new employment in a sustainable economy, including work in cleaner production technologies that increase energy efficiency and the renewable energy sector," according to Ricardo Acuna of the Parkland Institute.

"Our Coalition has only 1% of the Alberta government's $2.2 million advertising budget, but we will reach Albertans electronically, as well as by distributing the flyer," said Jan Triska on behalf of Albertans for Ratifying Kyoto. "It's a case of David fighting Goliath."

The flyer is available on the Pembina Institute website at www.pembina.org.The coalition includes the Alberta Federation of Labour, Albertans for Ratifying Kyoto, the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, the Parkland Institute, the Pembina Institute and the United Church of Canada.

For more information contact:

Les Steel, Alberta Federation of Labour: 780-483-3021
Jan Triska, Albertans for Ratifying Kyoto: 780-432 5068 or cell 780-991-6420
Don MacNeil, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union: 780-420-4976
Ricardo Acuna, Parkland Institute: 780-492-8558
Rob Macintosh, for Pembina Insitute: 780-621-8422
Larry Derkach, United Church of Canada: 780-454-1194

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