Leading National Environmental Organizations Release Responses from Federal Parties on 10 Environmental Priority Questions

Photo: Roberta Franchuk, Pembina Institute

OTTAWA – Today, Canada’s leading environmental organizations released the answers to a Federal Party Survey on Environmental Platforms that address the climate change, biodiversity, toxics and waste crises harming our country. The survey was distributed to the six main political parties in July 2019 and responses were received from five of them: the Bloc Quebecois, Conservative Party of Canada, Green Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada and New Democratic Party. The People’s Party of Canada did not respond.

The survey represents the collective priorities of the 14 environmental organizations and outlines required actions to address the environmental protection, economic justice and human rights issues facing Canadians. This non-partisan survey of the parties’ positions on environmental issues was developed to help Canadians make informed voting decisions.

The Federal Party Survey on Environmental Platforms can be found at: www.election2019envirosurvey.ca / www.election2019ecosondage.ca

Summary table of answers: www.election2019envirosurvey.ca/summary

The survey represents the collective priorities of all of the following organizations: Canadian Environmental Law Association, CPAWS, David Suzuki Foundation, Ecology Action Centre, Ecojustice, Équiterre, Environmental Defence, Greenpeace, Nature Canada, Pembina Institute, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, West Coast Environmental Law Association, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, WWF-Canada


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Kelly O'Connor, Pembina Institute, kellyo@pembina.org, 416-220-8804

Stephanie Kohls, Environmental Defence skohls@environmentaldefence.ca, 416-885-7847

FRENCH: Camille Gagné-Raynauld, Équiterre,
cgraynauld@equiterre.org, 514-605-2000 

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