Leading environmental and health organizations call on the federal government to phase-out coal in advance of the first ministers meeting

Media Advisory

OTTAWA — Erin Flanagan (Pembina Institute), along with Kim Perrotta (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), Gideon Forman (David Suzuki Foundation) and Ian Culbert (Canadian Public Health Association) will speak to the release of Out with the coal, in with the new: national benefits to an accelerated phase-out of coal-fired power and respond to questions from the media.

Event: Report release and media availability
Date: Monday, November 21, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. (EST)
Location: Charles Lynch Press Conference Room
Room S-130, Centre Block, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario

About the report:

For the first time ever, Canadian political leaders are negotiating a pan-Canadian climate plan to meet or exceed the country’s 2030 emissions reduction target. For the plan to be credible, a cornerstone element must be a national phase-out of coal-fired power by 2030. This report quantifies the significant health, economic and climate benefits – provincially and nationally – that are within grasp if the federal government implements a national coal phase-out by 2030. Our organizations are calling on the prime minister and premiers to eliminate coal-fired  power as a key outcome from the first ministers meeting on December 8-9.



Kelly O’Connor
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Submission: Modernizing Canada’s electricity systems: A pan-Canadian electrification strategy to cut carbon pollution (July 2016)

Report: Breathing in the benefits: How an accelerated coal phase-out can reduce health impacts and costs to Albertans (September 2016)

Report: A costly diagnosis: Subsidizing coal power with Albertans’ health (March 2013)

Submission: Health collaborative submission to the federal/provincial climate working group on specific mitigating opportunities in the electricity sector

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