Investments now in building retrofits, clean vehicles and power will create jobs, lower emissions

Pembina Institute applauds federal infrastructure announcement

commercial building retrofit with worker on scaffold

Energy renovations of our homes and buildings will create much-needed jobs across the country. Photo: Pembina Institute

OTTAWA — Directors at the Pembina Institute made the following statement in response to announcement of $10 billion in infrastructure initiatives from the federal government:

"Last week’s speech from the throne rightly identified protecting the health of Canadians, building a resilient economy, and taking strong action on climate change as pieces of the same puzzle. We applaud the federal government for moving quickly on key investment opportunities through the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s new $10 billion Growth Plan to bolster clean power, energy efficient buildings and zero emissions vehicles. To build on this investment and create a globally competitive, inclusive, low-carbon economy, we will need to ramp up, leverage and sustain this investment. We look forward to seeing these investments reinforced in the new federal Climate Plan."

- Isabelle Turcotte, federal policy director

On buildings retrofits

"A $2 billion investment in a wave of building retrofits will help accelerate the urgently needed energy renovation of our homes and buildings and create much-needed jobs all across the country. This $2 billion is a first step toward the approximately $15 billion needed from governments and the private sector every year between now and 2050 to make our homes and buildings healthier, lower-carbon and more resilient to climate change impacts. We hope to see other retrofit strategies funded in the upcoming climate plan to be rolled out over the next decades."

- Tom-Pierre Frappé-Sénéclauze, buildings and urban solutions director

On clean power

"This $2.5 billion investment sends a strong signal to the renewable and clean energy technology industry to ramp up investing in Canada. Renewable energy is already among the cheapest sources available for electricity, as well as a demonstrated job creator and driver of local economic development. Investments in storage and transmission are a great step toward removing barriers to high levels of renewable penetration and grid modernization. We look forward to seeing complementary policy and provincial regulatory actions to capitalize on this investment and further level the playing field for clean energy."

- Binnu Jeyakumar, clean energy director

On zero-emission vehicles

"$1.5 billion to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission buses and charging infrastructure will help the federal government fulfill its commitment to electrify 5,000 transit and school buses. Transit and school buses represent under 10 per cent of Canada’s medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fleet. We look forward to strong national ZEV policies to expand this investment to include commercial trucks. This includes a ZEV sales mandate for all vehicles — passenger and commercial — and more financial incentives for procurement, infrastructure and training."

- Carolyn Kim, transportation director

On renewables in remote communities

"We are extremely pleased to see the federal government commit $2.5 billion for clean power and $2 billion forbuilding retrofits. We hope to see a significant amount of these funds support remote Indigenous communities as they determine how to meet their energy and housing needs. This is an important opportunity for economic development and energy security in these communities."

- Dave Lovekin, renewables in remote communities director



Sarah MacWhirter, Communications director, Pembina Institute


Statement: Federal government reinforces commitment to green economic recovery
Report: Green Stimulus: Principles and recommendations for a 2020 economic stimulus package
Backgrounder: Training up for deep retrofits
Blog: Helping Canadian communities rebuild stronger economies with renewables
Report: Diesel reduction progress in remote communities
Report: Alberta’s Emerging Economy
Report: Power Play: Canada’s role in the electric vehicle transition
Op-ed: Transition from coal could skip natural gas and go straight to renewables

About the Pembina Institute

The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that works to advance a prosperous clean energy future for Canada through credible policy solutions that support communities, the economy, and a safe climate. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, and Toronto. Learn more:

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