Climate innovation investments must focus on zero emission, not lower emission, tech

Pembina Institute reacts to $1.4 billion in climate innovation investments for industry

EDMONTON — Duncan Kenyon, Responsible Fossil Fuels Director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to today’s innovation investment announcement from the Government of Alberta.

“The highest value for innovation investments comes from zero-carbon technologies. It will be important to ensure dollars for oil sands innovation are invested in truly innovative technology, rather than incremental improvements.

“We are glad to see the Government of Alberta using revenue generated by the Climate Leadership Plan to drive clean technology innovation and deployment.

“Energy efficiency is a low-hanging fruit for emissions reductions and innovation but it is critically under-utilized. We are pleased to see support for energy efficiency in the form of loans, as this is a proven low-cost way to deploy energy efficiency at scale.”




Suzy Thompson

Communications Lead, Pembina Institute



Blog: Why governments are necessary for technological innovation development and deployment

Blog: Kick-starting energy efficiency in Alberta

Blog: Everybody wins with investments in smart zero carbon innovation

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