Climate Change Implications of the Proposed EnCana Cabin Gas Plant

The EnCana Cabin Gas Plant proposed for northeast British Columbia is currently under review by the provincial Environmental Assessment Office. At full operational capacity, the proposed plant would emit 2.2 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year - the equivalent of adding almost 450,000 cars to British Columbia roads.

The climate issues surrounding the EnCana Cabin Gas Plant proposal are significant. British Columbia has legislated a commitment to reduce provincial greenhouse gas emissions. If approved, the EnCana Cabin Gas Plant would increase British Columbia's emissions by 3.27% (based on 2006 emissions).

"As the province moves towards a low carbon economy, responsible long-term infrastructure and sustainable resource development decisions will be essential," says Matt Horne, the Director of British Columbia Energy Solutions at the Pembina Institute.

The Pembina Institute has submitted a letter to the Environmental Assessment Office with recommendations for addressing the climate change implications of the EnCana Cabin Gas Plant during the project's environmental assessment. The four recommendations are

1.    Include the greenhouse gas emissions from the facility in relation to British Columbia's provincial emissions reduction targets.

2.    Require the proposed facility to meet emissions standards equivalent to a gas processing facility equipped with zero or low emissions technology such as carbon capture and storage.   

3.    Include the greenhouse gas emissions that would result from the expanded upstream gas production needed to supply the processing capacity of the proposed facility.

4.    Include the greenhouse gas emissions of the end use of the gas processed by the EnCana Cabin Gas Plant.

The Environmental Assessment Office is accepting comments on the EnCana Cabin Gas Plant proposal until August 21, 2009.

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For more information:
Read the backgrounder, "EnCana's Proposed Northeast British Columbia Cabin Gas Plant: Accounting for the Climate Change Implications," at:

Read the Pembina Institute's letter to the Environment Assessment Office at:

Matt Horne
Director, British Columbia Energy Solutions
The Pembina Institute
Cell Phone: (778) 235-1476
Office Phone: (604) 874-8558 ext. 223

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