Canada's Climate Coalition Applauds B.C. Budget

B.C. price on carbon pollution helps fill void left by federal inaction

Climate Action Network Canada, a coalition of more than 50 organizations from across the country, applauds Premier Campbell's decision to put a price on carbon pollution. The B.C. budget's tax on greenhouse gas emissions sets an important precedent for other provinces to follow and helps to fill the void left by federal inaction.

“This is a groundbreaking move and Premier Campbell deserves credit for showing leadership where so many others have failed,” said Graham Saul of Climate Action Network Canada.

"We hope other premiers and finance ministers across Canada are watching B.C. closely," said Gaile Whelan-Enns of Manitoba Wildlands.

The tax will be applied to activities such as producing and burning gasoline, diesel, coal, propane, natural gas and home heating fuel. It will be “revenue neutral” meaning all money collected will be returned to individuals and businesses through reductions in other taxes.

B.C.'s government should be congratulated for introducing a broad-based carbon tax significant enough to start to influence decisions," said Matt Horne, Pembina Institute. "To make this price signal even more effective, the government should lay out a track of increasing tax levels after 2012."

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