Buy Low-Impact Green Power. It's Like Having a Windmill in Your Yard

February 23, 2004
Media Release
Pembina Institute

Canadians are concerned about electricity. We can no longer take for granted a dependable supply of electricity. Last summer's blackout in Ontario reminded us all of this fact.

We need to start thinking about more sustainable ways to power our homes and businesses. Fortunately, the Pembina Institute offers an easy way to do this. You can now buy green power — energy generated by low-impact renewable or sustainable sources — from us. It's just one more way you can make a difference.

Much of the electricity used in Canada is generated by high-impact conventional sources of energy such as coal, oil, nuclear, large hydro or natural gas. Conventional electricity production has negative environmental impacts. It contributes to climate change, leads to poor air quality, and alters watersheds and landscapes. It also has negative health, social and economic impacts.

By purchasing green power certificates, you are supporting the production of low-impact green power. You are also displacing high-impact conventional energy, and the negative environmental consequences that go with it.

Making a commitment to power your home or business with green power is easy. You can buy green power certificates online at Simply enter the amount of power you use annually (or just enter your province) and then decide how much you want to offset your environmental impact.

This small action makes a big difference.
Visit today to get your windmill rolling.

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