Businesses applaud transparency on climate legislation

Business Coalition for a Clean Economy responds to B.C. climate accountability bill

members of Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy holds a press conference to mark its launch in June 2019. Photo: Stephen Hui, Pembina Institute

VANCOUVER / MUSQUEAM, SQUAMISH & TSLEIL-WAUTUTH TERRITORIES — Julia Balabanowicz, co-chair of the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, made the following statement in response to the B.C. government’s legislation on climate action accountability:

“Strong climate policy provides certainty and is good for business. As leading businesses operating in B.C., we applaud legislation to create a transparent process whereby the government forecasts carbon pollution, establishes sectoral targets, publicly reports progress, submits data for independent verification, and adjusts policies accordingly. Making this a legal requirement will safeguard gains and ensure they are built upon.

“For all businesses, climate change is a risk to the bottom line. By taking bold action on climate now, B.C. is demonstrating real global leadership that will create jobs, encourage innovation, build healthy and safe communities, and address growing concerns surrounding waste.

“As businesses committed to acting on climate change, we commend the government for its willingness to be accountable for its climate action promises. Building a sustainable, clean economy, powered by renewable energy, is key to ensuring B.C.’s future prosperity in a rapidly changing world. B.C. has an important role to play in leading the global transition to prosperous low-carbon economies worldwide — and we congratulate the government for taking this important step in the right direction.”

B.C. has an important role to play in leading the global transition to prosperous low-carbon economies worldwide.

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Quick facts

  • The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy represents more than 40 member companies.
  • These companies earn more than $4.3 billion in combined annual revenues, and represent more than 13,000 jobs.


Watch a video about the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy:


Stephen Hui
Senior communications lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


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About the Business Coalition for a Clean Economy

The Business Coalition for a Clean Economy, an initiative of the Pembina Institute, is a network of leading B.C. businesses and organizations aligned behind a vision for a clean and prosperous economy and climate action. We believe that strong climate and energy policy provides certainty and is good for business. Learn more:

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