B.C.’s Clean Energy Strategy opens path to net-zero emissions by 2050

It’s time for a plan that will ensure B.C. has an equitable and reliable energy system

June 27, 2024
Media Release
British Columbia flag and provincial legislature

Flag of British Columbia waving in front of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia Parliament Building on Vancouver Island in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. iStock ID:2030718775

VANCOUVER - Chris Severson-Baker, executive director of the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of British Columbia’s Clean Energy Strategy, which sets high-level principles and a vision for the development of an integrated energy plan for the province.

"B.C.’s Clean Energy Strategy presents a hopeful and yet practical vision for the province’s energy future.  The strategy includes several elements that will be critical to the province’s ability to meet industry and community needs while honouring Canada’s climate obligations. We are pleased to see the commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, along with guidelines and values needed to get there. This would form a strong foundation for a future energy plan. 

“There are three things we feel B.C. policymakers should watch out for as they move this strategy forward. First, it's important to take an integrated approach to phasing in the electrification of B.C.'s transportation and buildings sectors, which are the first and third-highest emitting sectors respectively.

"Second, given that industry and communities will have a growing need for reliable and affordable electricity supply over the long term, we strongly caution against prioritizing the liquified natural gas industry (LNG) given that the International Energy Agency projects that demand for LNG is forecast to peak by 2030. It is prudent over the long term to prioritize the energy needs of clean industries consistent with a net zero world.

“Third, the province must encourage continued investments in and incentives for greater efficiency and look at demand-side measures so that industry and communities alike can have reliable and equitable access to affordable energy that powers a prosperous net-zero economy.”

Pembina Institute experts are available for media interviews upon request. 



Laurence Miall  

Communications Manager
Responsable des relations médias francophones
Pembina Institute
587-606-4185 or 438-878-1703


IEA Report: World Energy Outlook 2023
Report: Squaring the Circle - Reconciling LNG expansion with B.C.’s climate goals
Submission: Highest Efficiency Equipment Standards Consultation in B.C.


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