#BCClimateChat comes to Twitter

Join the conversation about B.C.’s next climate plan

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Do you have questions about B.C.’s forthcoming Climate Leadership Plan? Want to hear more about climate action in the province?

Today, the Pembina Institute is hosting a Twitter chat. Visit @Pembina on Twitter and follow the #BCClimateChat hashtag between noon and 1 p.m. to participate. Don’t forget to tweet your #BCClimateChat questions to @Pembina.

Our panellists are Matt Horne (@HorneMatt) and Merran Smith (@merransmith), who are both members of Premier Christy Clark’s Climate Leadership Team. Horne is the B.C. associate director at the Pembina Institute. Smith is the executive director of Clean Energy Canada.

The B.C. government is expected to release its new climate plan in June. Meanwhile, B.C.’s carbon pollution is on the rise and the province is on track to miss its legislated emissions targets for 2020 and 2050.

Last fall, the Climate Leadership Team submitted to the government a blueprint for a plan to get B.C. back on track to meeting its 2050 target. Earlier this week, seven members of the team released an open letter urging the premier to put forth a plan that will see B.C. reclaim its climate leadership.

Twitter chat



Stephen Hui (@StephenHui)
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Op-ed: B.C. should follow through on climate plan

Backgrounder: Evaluating climate leadership in British Columbia

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