Clean growth must be top priority for Premier John Horgan and B.C. cabinet

Pembina Institute reacts to swearing in of NDP government

B.C. premier John Horgan and his new NDP cabinet. Photo: B.C. NDP

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Karen Tam Wu, acting B.C. director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to today’s swearing in of B.C. premier John Horgan and his cabinet:

“With B.C.’s government now under the direction of Premier John Horgan and the NDP, all eyes are on them to build a strong, future-proof, and inclusive B.C. We look forward to working with Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy George Heyman; Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Michelle Mungall; Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Selina Robinson; Minister of Jobs, Trade, and Technology Bruce Ralston; and all members of the legislative assembly to ensure a prosperous economy, thriving communities, and healthy families across B.C.

“British Columbians are looking to the NDP and the Greens to deliver on the shared policy initiatives outlined in their confidence and supply agreement, including the nine priorities linked to clean growth. With all three major parties committed to strengthening B.C.’s carbon tax, the time is ripe for the province to once again be a leader on climate solutions.

“B.C. is at risk of being left behind as the global economy shifts and the costs of a changing climate begin to mount. Therefore, the new government must act quickly to build a strong clean tech sector, position B.C. to be competitive in the changing global economy, make clean choices more affordable, stand up for healthy and safe communities, and grow sustainable resource jobs.

“As the NDP-Green agreement acknowledges, B.C. needs a new climate action strategy designed to meet B.C.’s targets for reducing carbon pollution. Creating green jobs, expanding public transit, and accelerating the shift to highly energy-efficient homes and buildings will fuel the clean growth economy and benefit all British Columbians.”

Quick facts

  • B.C. is home to 14% of clean tech jobs in Canada, according to KPMG.
  • There are over 30,000 jobs in B.C.’s green building sector.
  • An energy-efficient home can lower energy bills by up to 50%.


Join the conversation on Twitter: #CleanGrowthBC @Pembina


Stephen Hui
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


Action plan: Vision for Clean Growth in B.C.

Blog: 9 ways B.C.’s NDP-Green alliance promises to support clean growth

Op-ed: 5 ways to secure B.C.’s economic prosperity in the changing world

Report: Deep Emissions Reduction in the Existing Building Stock

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The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that advocates for strong, effective policies to support Canada’s clean energy transition. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, and Ottawa. Learn more:

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