Albertans value home energy efficiency and building code improvements

A poll of Alberta consumers, commissioned
by the Pembina Institute, NAIMA Canada and the Consumers Council of Canada,
illustrates the very strong interest Albertans have in home energy efficiency
and their support for an updated provincial building code.

96 per cent of Albertans surveyed responded that
household energy conservation and energy efficiency in their homes are very
important (59 per cent) or important (37 per cent), with 87 per cent supporting the provincial
government implementing stronger energy efficiency standards for new homes.

"Albertans understand and are
overwhelmingly supportive of increasing the energy efficiency of our
homes.  These polling results
indicate that there is little political risk in the province updating the
building code and putting Alberta on an energy efficiency leadership path,"
says Jesse Row, a Director at the Pembina Institute.

A significant majority (87 per cent) of Albertans
support the government enacting legislation that establishes more aggressive
household energy efficiency levels. 
The average national EnerGuide rating of new homes in Canada is 76.  Alberta's current average is only
71.  Albertans can judge their
politicians' performance in the scheduled review of the Alberta building code,
when they consider that British Columbia's rating is 77 and Ontario's is 78-80.

"Energy efficiency has become a base
standard consumers expect in a new home," says Consumers Council of Canada
President Don Mercer. "Canadians understand the negative impact on their
pocketbooks posed by rising energy prices. They are embracing choices that are
good for the environment, increase their comfort and lower energy bills."

"This research clearly shows that Albertans
see value in an energy efficient home," says Stephen Koch, Executive Director,
NAIMA Canada.  "Canadians know that
energy efficiency means saving money," Koch concluded.  "If the government of Alberta matches
the energy efficiency standards in building codes in other leading provinces,
new home owners in Alberta could save up to $625 a year."


A copy of the survey results, Albertans' Views on Energy Efficiency in the Province's Building Code, can be found at

For more information, contact:

Jesse Row
Director, Sustainable Communities Group
Tel: 403-269-3344 ext. 110

Stephen Koch
Director, NAIMA Canada
Tel: 613-232-8093

Don Mercer
President, Consumers Council of

Tel: 604-685-6501

Research notes: The survey was conducted on
621 randomly selected residents of Alberta (interviewed by telephone - the
margin of error is +/- 3.9%, 19/20 times) from January 7-20, 2010.  The poll was conducted by Oraclepoll
Research.  Contact: Paul Seccaspina

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