Alberta oilsands limit a key commitment of CLP

Pembina reacts to Alberta’s oilsands emissions limit legislation

EDMONTON — Simon Dyer, Responsible Fossil Fuels Director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Alberta Government tabling of Bill 25, the Oil Sands Emissions Limit Act:

“Alberta’s 100 megatonne oilsands emissions limit is a key commitment of the Climate Leadership Plan. This approach will cap oilsands emissions while driving cleaner oilsands production.”

“This legislation provides certainty to investors that as long as the oilsands industry is able to reduce per barrel greenhouse gas pollution, production can grow.”

“Coupled with Alberta’s new rules to address oilsands emissions intensity that are under development, this legislation will propel necessary environmental improvements in the oilsands.”

“Improving environmental performance in the oilsands is essential if the industry is to be competitive in the future.”




Suzy Thompson

Communications Lead, Alberta, Pembina Institute


Simon Dyer

Director, Pembina Institute


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