Alberta finds international partner on climate action

Pembina reacts to China-Alberta Energy and Climate Roundtable

April 21, 2017
Media Release

Photo courtesy Government of Alberta

CALGARY— Sara Hastings-Simon, Associate Regional at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the China-Alberta Energy and Climate Change Roundtable held in Beijing on April 20.

“We are pleased to see Premier Rachel Notley and the Government of Alberta working closely with China, the world’s largest emitter, and a vocal proponent of ambitious climate action. Identifying  opportunities for Albertan companies in China will help build Alberta’s clean growth economy.

“China has reaffirmed its commitment to provide global leadership on climate change, and Beijing’s words are supported by clear actions. China has successfully piloted a cap and trade system in two provinces and five cities, thus creating the second largest emissions-trading system in the world. China’s emissions-trading system will be expanded nation-wide this year, and will be further bolstered by targets for renewable energy generation, and delays and cancelations of coal generation.

“China’s climate actions are showing promising results. New data shows that China’s coal consumption likely peaked in 2013 and its overall levels of carbon pollution decreased in 2015 for the first time in over a decade. Experts now say China is likely to peak its emissions five years earlier than its 2030 commitment. This is promising news, and confirms that Alberta’s clean technology partnership could yield important market opportunities for our entrepreneurs.”


Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead

Sara Hastings-Simon
Associate Regional Director



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