Alberta electricity price cap provides security for consumers

Pembina Institute reacts to Alberta electricity price cap announcement

November 22, 2016
Media Release

CALGARY — Sara Hastings-Simon, Program Director of Clean Economy at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Alberta Government’s electricity price cap announcement:

“The announced cap on the regulated rate for electricity at 6.8 cents per kW-hour provides Albertans the security that electricity will remain affordable. The cap will remove the fear resulting from misinformation about the future of the electricity sector in this province. The facts clearly show that Alberta can remain competitive while phasing out coal and growing renewable generation.”

“Comparing Alberta’s energy plan to Ontario’s is irrelevant and misleading. The competitive bidding process that looks for the lowest market price is different from the fixed price for power taken when Ontario launched its program. The price of electricity from wind and solar energy has fallen dramatically since Ontario began procuring its renewables in the early 2000s. Moreover, the cost of renewable energy was wrongly singled out as the main driver for Ontario’s increase.”



Suzy Thompson
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute


Infographic: What Ontario has taught Alberta about renewable energy

Report: The true price of wind and solar

Factsheet: Wind and solar in Alberta


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