Action Alert! MPs: Don't Turn Your Back on Climate Change

August 6, 2002
Media Release
Pembina Institute

A group of backbench Liberal MPs are circulating a letter among their Liberal colleagues in the House of Commons and the Senate urging the Prime Minister to ratify the Kyoto Protocol — 1997 international climate change treaty — before the end of the year without demanding further changes. This important effort by MPs underscores the sense of urgency in Canada and around the world to take action on climate change and demonstrates the effectiveness of thousands of concerned Canadians persistently urging their elected officials to ratify Kyoto.

The letter drafted by MP John Godfrey states:

"Never before has the scientific community reached such broad consensus on the causation of an international crisis. Never before has the world faced such a vast economic, environmental, and social challenge of its own creation that is within its means to address."

"If we turn our back on the world, we will lose faith both domestically and internationally. We are convinced that climate change will be one of the defining issues of our generation, that we have reached the hour of decision, and that it is the duty of Parliament to safe-guard and enhance the present and future interests of our nation,"

Action Alert: Contact your Liberal Member of Parliament, or any Liberal Members of Parliament in your region before they leave for their summer retreat starting August 16.

Urge Liberal MPs to support the call inside the party to adopt the Kyoto Protocol without further changes.

You can find fax and phone numbers for MPs' ridings from several sources:

Canada is one of the largest per capita emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. Polls have consistently shown that eight out of ten Canadians right across the country support ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. A recent Financial Post poll found that 57% of Canadian business executives believe the Kyoto target can be achieved with little economic disruption.

Prime Minister Chrétien will go to the World Summit on Sustainable Development at the end of the summer in Johannesburg, South Africa. In order to position Canada as an international leader rather than an environmental laggard, he must commit to ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. He needs your support!

For more information on the science of climate change, see

Please circulate this message to your networks.

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