Clean tech sector gets a boost with Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre

Pembina Institute and Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance react to announcement

Canada’s minister of natural resources, Jim Carr, and Alberta’s minister of economic development and trade, Deron Bilous, sign a memorandum of understanding. Photo: Government of Alberta

CALGARY — The Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance and the Pembina Institute issued the following statements in response to today’s Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre (ACCTC) announcement by the Alberta government:

“This the latest piece of good news for Alberta’s clean tech sector. The combination of the Carbon XPRIZE, investments by Emissions Reductions Alberta, and now the Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre are helping make the case that our province is a global destination for developing and proving out the technologies that the world needs for a prosperous transition to a low carbon economy.”
— Jason Switzer, executive director, Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance

“The goal of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions through Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan gives us an opportunity to search for and develop solutions: solutions to address our current emissions as well as solutions that create new approaches for our economy to produce less or even no carbon dioxide. Establishing plug and play technology sandboxes like the Alberta Carbon Conversion Technology Centre is an excellent way to create partnerships and accelerate our learning with respect to new technologies, in order to develop emissions solutions and create economic opportunities.”
— Duncan Kenyon, director of the responsible fossil fuels program, Pembina Institute

About us

The Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance (ACTia) works with business and government to advance clean tech research, innovation, development, and manufacturing in Alberta.

The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that advocates for strong, effective policies to support Canada’s clean-energy transition.


Read the Alberta government’s media release: New funding that puts CO2 to economic use


Jason Switzer
Executive Director, Alberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance

Duncan Kenyon
Director of the Responsible Fossil Fuels Program, Pembina Institute

Stephen Hui
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


Op-ed: Clean growth presents a tremendous opportunity to Alberta

Report: Canada’s Policy Support for Clean Technology Exports

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