B.C. Liberals, NDP, and Greens participating in election forum on clean growth

Media advisory: Mary Polak, George Heyman, and Andrew Weaver to speak at online event

Clean Growth and the 2017 B.C. Election takes place on Thursday, April 20.

(Update: The webinar has ended. View the video, slides, and tweets on the event listing.)

VANCOUVER / COAST SALISH TERRITORY — Prominent candidates from British Columbia’s three major political parties will face questions about the clean economy and climate action at a public forum on Thursday, April 20.

Presented by the Pembina Institute, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, and Clean Energy B.C., Clean Growth and the 2017 B.C. Election will feature Mary Polak of the B.C. Liberal Party, George Heyman of the B.C. NDP, and B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver.

During the lunch-hour online event, the trio of politicians will take questions from a panel of industry and community leaders who represent a broad range of perspectives.

The public and media are invited to attend via telephone or web (free of charge), but online registration is required. Spaces are limited, so signing up early is recommended.

Clean Growth and the 2017 B.C. Election

* Left to right: Andrew Weaver, Mary Polak, and George Heyman.

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017

Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (PDT)

Register: pembina.org/BCClimateVote


  • Mary Polak — B.C. Liberal Party (Langley)
  • George Heyman — B.C. NDP (Vancouver-Fairview)
  • Andrew Weaver — B.C. Green Party (Oak Bay-Gordon Head)


  • Judith Sayers (Kekinusuqs) — adjunct professor, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria
  • Sybil Seitzinger — executive director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
  • Tony Gioventu — executive director, Condominium Home Owners’ Association of B.C.
  • Bryan MacLeod — manager of clean energy development and operations, Clean Energy B.C. 

Moderator: Josha MacNab — B.C. director, Pembina Institute


Join the conversation on Twitter: #BCClimateVote

Share the event on Facebook: Clean Growth and the 2017 B.C. Election


Stephen Hui
Communications Lead, Pembina Institute
Tw: @StephenHui


* Chart: PICS/Pembina Institute/CEC

Report: Modelling the Impact of the Climate Leadership Plan & Federal Carbon Price on B.C.’s Emissions

Infographic: The many benefits of energy efficient homes and buildings

Media advisory: Pembina Institute available for comment on B.C. election, climate policy, and clean economy

About us

The Pembina Institute is a non-profit think-tank that advocates for strong, effective policies to support Canada’s clean energy transition. We have offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Toronto.

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is a collaboration of B.C.’s four leading research universities, hosted and led by the University of Victoria.

Clean Energy B.C. represents 150 members that develop and operate clean and renewable energy projects in cooperation with B.C. Hydro. A dozen First Nations are also members of the private-sector industry association.

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