Groups to release groundbreaking report on the health and climate costs of coal power in Alberta

Press Conference: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9am MST

March 25, 2013
Media Release

WHAT: A coalition of health and environmental groups will be announcing the results of a collaborative effort to quantify the health and climate costs associated with burning coal for electricity in Alberta — the first study of its kind in the province. Policy recommendations will be made following a presentation of the findings. 

WHO: Representatives from the Asthma Society of Canada, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, The Lung Association, Alberta & the Northwest Territories, and the Pembina Institute.

WHERE: Edmonton Clinic Health Academy: 11405 87 Avenue NW, first floor, room ECHA 1-177. The nearest train station is Health Sciences/Jubilee. The closest parking lot is at the Jubilee Auditorium. A map of the facilities can be found here.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 9am MST.


For more information, or to save a space, please contact:
Kevin Sauvé

Communications Lead, Pembina Institute

Farrah Khan
Campaigner, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment


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