

Edmonton, Alberta

The Walrus Talks Energy with Pembina Institute's Ed Whittingham

Organized by The Walrus

On May 26, the Pembina Institute's executive director Ed Whittingham and Green Energy Futures' host David Dodge joined a select group of experts to deliver short talks on the new energy economy, our collective impact, and finding paths to a sustainable energy future. 

Ed Whittingham at the Walrus Talks in Edmonton, May 26, 2016.

David Dodge of Green Energy Futures at the Walrus Talks in Edmonton, May 26, 2016.

In the leadup to the Edmonton talk, Ed joined Daybreak Alberta host Russell Bowers to share his vision of where energy production should go. Listen to the interview here

The Walrus Talks event series aims to provide forums for conversations on matters that are vital to Canadians. To find out more about the event and access a full list of speakers, visit The Walrus website.  

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