


Unpacking the CleanBC Roadmap webinar

Unpacking the CleanBC Roadmap

with the Pembina Institute and Guest

Update: The webinar has ended. Scroll down for the video recording.

Join us to unpack B.C.’s updated climate plan, CleanBC Roadmap, which was released last week. Our experts will provide an overview of the plan vis-à-vis what's needed to meet the province’s goal of reducing carbon pollution by 40% by 2030, and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Our panel will examine how the plan proposes to transition to zero carbon buildings, to put more zero emissions vehicles on the road, and to reduce emissions from industry.


  • Tom-Pierre Frappé-Sénéclauze, Director, Buildings and Urban Solutions, Pembina Institute
  • Colton Kasteel, Senior Analyst, Pembina Institute
  • Ian Bruce, Deputy Executive Director, David Suzuki Foundation
  • Karen Tam Wu, Regional Director, Pembina Institute (moderator)

Watch the recording

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