

Vancouver, B.C.

Sustainable neighbourhood transformations: retrofit social housing

Combining experiences from Canada and the Netherlands: a win-win

Retrofit aggregation: What can Canada learn from the Netherlands? from Pembina Institute

Dutch professor Anke van Hal has been involved in various initiatives targeting energy retrofits in a holistic approach aiming to maximize social benefits. She’ll be sharing her perspective and research on these topics, drawing from her experience working on the Dutch Energiesprong program and other initiatives in the Netherlands and Canada. 

Tom-Pierre Frappé-Sénéclauze will share a sneak peek of a new Pembina Institute initiative, in partnership with BC Housing and BCNPHA, to catalyze deep retrofits in social housing projects in B.C. Come share your ideas and discuss what the Netherlands and Canada can learn from each other.

Wilco van Bemmel of World of Walas will also speak at the workshop, which is presented by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Vancouver and the Pembina Institute. Registration is free.

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