

Reframed Tech Series banner with retrofit panel

Prefabricated panels & deep retrofits

A Reframed Tech Series webinar

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The Pembina Institute presents the Reframed Tech Series — webinars on evolving deep retrofit solutions.

Making our homes future-ready calls for rapid scale-up, and industrializing the deep retrofit process is key. Modular housing and prefabricated panels for new construction have surged onto the scene in recent years. An emerging market for prefabrication is existing building retrofits. (Download a primer on prefabricated panels and deep retrofits.)

Join our first webinar to hear from leaders in prefabricated panel solutions. Learn about projects underway and ask burning questions about challenges unique to a prefabricated approach to retrofits.


  • Michael Dombowksy, cofounder and senior vice president for building technology, Nexii
  • Jeff Armstrong, principal, Cold Climate Building
  • David Arnott, cofounder, TAG Panels

Moderator: Betsy Agar, senior analyst, Pembina Institute

Webinar recording

Slide deck

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Reframed Tech Series

The Pembina Institute is leading an initiative to scale up deep retrofits for healthy, safe, and low-carbon housing. This is an opportunity for companies to showcase innovation and get in on the ground floor of a market transformation. Learn more.

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