

Toronto, Ontario

Our Future King

Join us for a panel discussion hosted by Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto's Chief Planner, that explores ideas for the future of King Street from a variety of perspectives.

King Street is one of the major east-west corridors crossing Toronto’s Downtown. Passing through the largest concentration of jobs in the urban region, King Street connects the Financial District with revitalized industrial areas on the shoulders of the core – Liberty Village, King-Spadina, King-Parliament, St. Lawrence and Corktown – that have become vibrant, mixed-use urban districts known for their cultural richness and creative scenes. King Street with its iconic streetcar has reinvented itself as the main street of these intensely urban neighbourhoods.

Our trajectory as a city tells us that it is time to rethink how King functions as a street. What physical and operational improvements within the corridor can bring about the transformational change needed to accommodate growth?

This event is organized by the Pembina Institute with support from the Metcalf Foundation, in collaboration with the City of Toronto as it embarks on its ‘King Street Visioning Study’.

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