


How best can Canada reduce its transportation emissions?

Organized by Canada's Ecofiscal Commission

On October 4th, the Ecofiscal Commission released it’s latest report, Course Correction: It’s Time to Rethink Canadian Biofuel PoliciesBiofuels—such as ethanol and biodiesel—are a renewable alternative to fossil fuels for vehicles. To what extent have biofuel policies helped to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector? Are they the best way to do so given other competing technologies such as electric vehicles, compressed-natural gas engines, or hydrogen fuel cells? And what about other modes of transportation, including transit, cycling, ride sharing and—perhaps sooner than we all think—autonomous vehicles? These and more questions will be discussed during this live panel.

Dianne Zimmerman, Program Director, Transportation & Urban Solutions at the Pembina Institute, will join a live panel to discuss "how best can Canada reduce its transportation emissions?". Learn more and register here.

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