

Vancouver, B.C.

Global Learning Forum 2017

Presented by Renewable Cities

Karen Tam Wu, B.C. associate director and Buildings and Urban Solutions Program director at the Pembina Institute, will moderate a peer-to-peer workshop on energy benchmarking at Renewable Cities' Global Learning Forum 2017.

Benchmark Data on Building Performance: What It Tells Us and How to Use It

Session leaders

  • Cathy Pasion, Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, NYC
  • Chris Wheat, City of Chicago

Maximizing energy efficiency is a priority that is core to planning for 100% renewable energy. Cities must begin by benchmarking how they are using and wasting energy, and how they can conserve it. In this session, participants will learn about the energy performance data the Cities of New York and Chicago have been collecting and the stories they tell about existing building stock. Through guided discussion, participants will gain insight into the ways benchmarking data can inform policy and change behaviour when paired with appropriate incentives and market mechanisms.

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