

Calgary, Alberta

Energy and Environment in Alberta: Cross-Sector Roundtable

Organized by the Pembina Institute in partnership with the Max Bell Foundation and the Ivey Foundation

This multi-stakeholder roundtable discussion aimed to gather practitioners and strategic thinkers for a candid discussion on energy and environment policy opportunities in Alberta. The roundtable focused specifically on the policy considerations for capitalizing on the greenhouse gas reduction opportunities through action in the electricity sector, energy efficiency, and carbon pricing.

The 75 participants included executives from the electricity and oil and gas industry, environmental groups, First Nations, as well as government officials. The roundtable was held under Chatham House Rules to enable an open discussion. The event included panel discussions and dedicated table breakout sessions to address two of the main issue areas – emissions reduction in the electricity sector and carbon pricing. Overall, participants were very complimentary of the roundtable and requested more such sessions.

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