

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Climate Change and Communities in the Northwest Territories

Forum 2011

Mitigating and adapting to climate change impacts will be critical for the well-being of Northwest Territories communities in the future. The Climate Change and Communities Forum was an opportunity for municipal leaders and staff to provide information, share knowledge and promote regional action to help address climate change effects in Northwest Territories communities. Approximately 125 people attended the forum, and participants represented 27 of the 33 communities in the NWT. In addition to municipal leaders and staff, the forum was attended by researchers, government and representatives from other organizations with an interest in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Forum Presentations

Discussion Paper

A discussion paper "Climate Change Initiatives in NWT: Overview, Gaps and Opportunities" prepared for the forum provides an overview of climate change initiatives and projects completed to date and a starting point for discussing gaps in knowledge and opportunities for moving forward.

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