

Burlington, Ontario

Cities in Action: Bay Area Climate Change Summit 2019

Presented by the Centre for Climate Change Management at Mohawk College

Over 80% of Canadians live in urban areas in 2019. Cities are the greatest consumers of energy, and have some of the greatest opportunities to impact climate change. Join Cities in Action for Day Two to learn about action being taken in Hamilton and Burlington and beyond to transition to low carbon, resilient cities for today and future generations. Betsy Agar of the Pembina Institute will take part in the following panel discussion.

 Day 2: Energy and Community

Sustainable Buildings and Energy – Moderated by Alectra

  • Betsy Agar, Senior Analyst, Buildings and Urban Solutions, Pembina Institute
  • Troy Hare, P.Eng., M.Sc., President & CEO, Hamilton Utilities Corporation & HCE Technologies
  • Jeff Ranson, Regional Director – Greater Toronto Area, Canada Green Building Council

See also


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