


Carbon Pricing for Canadian Industry

Providing industry with critical insight on benchmarking carbon strategies and managing compliance.

With companies eager to understand compliance obligations and best practices for managing provincial and carbon regulations, momentum is building for the upcoming Carbon Pricing for Canadian Industry taking place April 25-26 at the Hilton Toronto. 

The Pembina Institute is supporting this important industry event which features insight from companies and sector specialists including Gerdau, BASF, Northland Power, Enbridge, Stelco, Resolute Forest Products, Suncor, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Glencore, Hiram Walker & Sons Limited, Westmoreland Coal Company, Lafarge Canada, Teck Resources, Cement Association of Canada, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters and Canadian Steel Producers Association.

Enter pembina10 on the registration page for a 10% discount.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the latest regulatory updates on carbon pricing and critical insight from carbon management leaders. Click here for the full event details.

Click here to register. Launch price ends February 28.

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