

Webinar banner with speakers

B.C. Climate Action: Getting to 2030 and Beyond

Presented by the B.C. Sustainable Energy Association, in association with the Pembina Institute and FortisBC

This webinar will look to the decade ahead and what will be required to meet British Columbia's 2030 climate target and set us on a path to meet our longer term targets.

Karen Tam Wu, B.C. Regional Director at the Pembina Institute, will provide an overview of the state of climate policy in B.C. and priorities for 2020. The CleanBC plan is projected to get the province 75% of the way to its 2030 target. Karen will provide an analysis of what’s needed to ensure B.C. stays on track to its climate targets and provide an example for the rest of Canada.

Tyler Bryant, Public Policy Manager at FortisBC, will walk us through FortisBC’s Clean Growth Pathway to 2050 and how the company is developing innovative energy solutions to advance a sustainable energy future for BC - including energy efficiency and conservation, renewable gas, zero and low transportation, and liquefied natural gas for marine bunkering. The approach combines strategies that together outline a clear path to meeting the provincial government’s GHG reduction goals. Along the way to 2050, FortisBC plans to meet its 30BY30 target—an emissions reduction goal that represents one of the most ambitious emissions reduction targets in the Canadian utility sector.

A Q&A session will follow the presentations.

Watch the recording.

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