


Alberta’s Big Climate Step: Live Panel Discussion about Bill 20

Organized by Canada's Ecofiscal Commission

On Tuesday, May 24, the Alberta government tabled its Climate Leadership Implementation Act, also known as Bill 20. The bill details the province’s carbon levy, as well as on how the revenues will be recycled, including tax cuts for small business, investments in green infrastructure and clean tech, and rebates to households. If passed, the legislation will also establish Energy Efficiency Alberta.

On May 26, the Pembina Institute’s Sara Hastings-Simon joined a panel discussion to discuss the newly tabled carbon pricing legislation with local experts, including Shannon Phillips (MLA for Lethbridge-West, Minister of Environment and Parks, and Minister Responsible for the Climate Change Office), Trevor McLeod (Director of the Centre for Natural Resources Policy, Canada West Foundation) and Trevor Tombe (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Calgary). The event was moderated by Chris Ragan (Chair, Canada's Ecofiscal Commission; McGill University, Department of Economics).

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