
Public Conference

Vancouver, B.C.

2019 Housing Central Conference

Presented by BC Non-Profit Housing Association, Aboriginal Housing Management Association, Co-op Housing Federation of BC

Public Conference
Nov. 17 7:30am - Nov. 19 5:00pm, 2019 (PDT)
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

The Pembina Institute will give a presentation about the Affordable Housing Renewal project on Day 1 (November 17) of the Housing Central Conference.

S14: Affordable Housing Renewal — Energiesprong for B.C.

About 70% of today's building stock will still be in use in 2050. Business-as-usual repairs and maintenance will not be enough to make BC buildings use less energy, emit less carbon pollution, or provide more comfortable, healthy, affordable, resilient living spaces at the pace needed. Hear about the Pembina Institute’s plan to simultaneously aggregate demand, systematize and scale up innovative solutions, and create the right financing and regulatory conditions to ramp up the deep energy retrofits needed to meet BC's climate obligations.

Presenter: Tom-Pierre Frappé-Sénéclauze, Buildings and Urban Solutions, Pembina Institute