Rachel Sutton

Senior Analyst

Portrait of Rachel Sutton

Rachel Sutton is a senior analyst with the Pembina Institute's buildings program, with a special focus on cement and concrete decarbonization. She is based in Ottawa. Rachel has several years of municipal, provincial, and federal political staffing experience. She worked on Transportation Services for the City of Toronto and most recently served as a policy advisor to the Federal Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, where she advised on clean tech and climate files. Her main interests in the climate space include industrial decarbonization, clean energy policy, and sustainable finance. She studied environmental science at the University of Toronto and undertook a research thesis on sustainable procurement.

Outside of the office, you can find her working on art projects, doing yoga, or looking for her next favourite cookie recipe.

Contact Rachel Sutton

cell: 647-303-6831
email: rachels@pembina.org
tweet: @rachelsutton__