Monica Curtis

Senior Director, Communities and Decarbonization

Portrait of Monica Curtis

Monica Curtis the senior director of the Pembina Institute's communities and decarbonization group. She is committed to delivering emission reductions and saved energy that also bring social benefits.

Monica leverages over 20 years’ experience helping governments, institutions, businesses, and utilities build the case for improved energy use through the adoption of energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean technology, and efficiency financing in a range of regulatory jurisdictions across North America. She has worked with organizations across Canada, including EnerQuality, Energy Efficiency Alberta, EPCOR and SaskPower, and with a leader in efficiency programs based in Madison, Wisconsin. She currently serves on several governing and advisory councils. Monica was recognized as a 2019 Compelling Calgarian and as one of Canada’s Clean 50 for 2020.

Contact Monica Curtis

cell: 587-606-2260