Davis Carr

Senior Lead, Digital Communications

Portrait of Davis Carr

Davis Carr is senior lead for digital communications with the Pembina Institute. She is responsible for maintaining digital platforms, developing campaigns and optimizing engagement.

Davis brings a decade of experience in developing communications strategies for non-profit, research and advocacy groups to this role. She has worked at the national and international level, raising awareness about the role of local governments in the fight against climate change, in Canada and around the globe. With a background in digital marketing and communications, Davis has previously worked for organizations such as Federation of Canadian Municipalities, EnviroCentre and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Davis holds a BA in English and contemporary studies from the University of King’s College and a master’s degree in media production from Toronto Metropolitan University. Outside of work, Davis enjoys camping, cross-country skiing and reading tarot cards.

Contact Davis Carr

cell: 613-902-1912
email: davisc@pembina.org
tweet: @ohhaidavis

Davis Carr's Research & Analysis