Research & Analysis

December 21, 2017
Three takeaways from Canada’s clean fuel standard framework
What we know so far about this marquee climate policy

December 19, 2017
Canada must seize low-carbon buildings opportunity
Transition in building sector calls for federal leadership

December 18, 2017
The missing pieces in Alberta’s geothermal puzzle
Alberta’s strengths in oil and gas make geothermal a strong possibility, but it needs a push to get going

December 18, 2017
2017: An exciting year for green buildings in B.C.
Building our way to B.C.’s low-carbon future

Remote Communities
December 18, 2017
Reflections on the 2017 Renewables in Remote Communities conference
Increasing the Human and Financial Capacity of Renewable Energy Systems in Remote Indigenous Communities

December 15, 2017
Alberta’s New Energy Projects Map
Interactive map showcases the variety of clean energy projects that contribute to the growth of Alberta’s economy
December 14, 2017
Three reasons to celebrate Alberta’s first procurement of renewables
Cheapest contract for renewables in all of Canada

December 13, 2017
What Paris Agreement negotiations mean for Canada
Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes and carbon markets

December 10, 2017
City of Vancouver–FortisBC climate deal is promising start
But the proof will be in the utility company’s 20-year plan

December 9, 2017
B.C. must keep climate action in sight
Clean energy development must be tied to robust climate plan

November 29, 2017
Ontario’s major parties show that carbon pricing is a non-partisan issue
But the right path forward must consider the big picture

November 23, 2017
The Paris Agreement takes root in the real economy
Insights from Fiji’s COP23

November 16, 2017
Building energy benchmarking pays off
Energy efficiency can save British Columbians millions of dollars every year