Research & Analysis

Oil & Gas
July 4, 2023
Canadian oil production more carbon-intensive now than in 1990
Much more to be done to make Canadian oil competitive in a global, carbon-conscious market

June 27, 2023
Will Canada lead or lag on path to net-zero?
Canada’s Energy Future 2023 shows significant opportunities for growing our clean economy

June 7, 2023
Aligning incentives with B.C.'s goals
Ensuring utility demand-side measures are effective tools to meeting climate and energy goals

Remote Communities
May 31, 2023
Government action on UNDRIP and the clean energy transition
Upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples is key to the energy transition in remote communities

Equitable Transition
May 30, 2023
Women in Energy Transformation Profile: Heather Campbell
“There is a need to ensure the future clean technology and energy workforce is inclusive and enables equality globally.”
May 18, 2023
Carbon-free and cost-effective, FedEx Express e-bikes deliver the goods
#ZEV-life: Stories from fleets making the switch

May 15, 2023
Why Canada needs to put the pedal to the metal on the greening of trucks and buses
A single long-haul truck emits 17 times as much emission than a passenger car - which is why we need to focus on highway’s big dogs to win the high-carbon fight

April 28, 2023
Budget 2023 shows federal commitment to clean electricity - what does that mean for the provinces?
Investments and tax credits can set provinces and territories on the path to net-zero grids by 2035

Remote Communities
April 26, 2023
Budget 2023 and remote communities: more support needed
More support will help accelerate the clean energy transition in rural communities.

Buildings, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Transportation
April 25, 2023
National Inventory Report suggests Canada’s climate policies are starting to work
Emissions are declining but Canada needs to pick up the pace to achieve 2030 climate targets

Equitable Transition
April 20, 2023
“We are living in a time of unprecedented and necessary change.”
The Pembina Institute’s Women in Energy Transition Thought Leaders’ Forum happens at a now-or-never moment for advancing equity in clean energy

April 12, 2023
Budget 2023 is a very strong start
To reach our net-zero goals and realize the full potential of the clean economy, we’ll need more budgets like this one

Equitable Transition
April 6, 2023