Research & Analysis

April 27, 2021
Delivering on the promise of nature-based carbon offsets
Developing a credible offset market depends on the quality and measurement of natural assets

April 19, 2021
Canada’s National Inventory Report shows a plateau in carbon pollution. That’s not good enough
To reach a more ambitious 2030 target, stronger policies and provincial commitments are essential

Oil & Gas
April 6, 2021
Emissions improvements at some facilities are encouraging but not reflective of oilsands overall
Resource quality and technology variability means findings can’t be extrapolated across the sector

March 16, 2021
For health, climate and jobs, Canada needs a major housing investment
Deep retrofits can boost GDP, lower emissions

March 12, 2021
Financing the climate gap
Ottawa needs to leverage the capacity of the private sector to invest in climate solutions

March 12, 2021
Investors looking for a clear and credible climate plan in Alberta
Starts with a commitment to short-term emissions-reduction goals

March 11, 2021
Net-zero by 2050: guiding principles to get it right
The surest route to a safe climate puts people first

Remote Communities
March 10, 2021
What’s a fair and equitable price for renewable energy in remote communities?
The rate structure of power purchase agreements in remote communities needs radical transformation to advance renewable energy projects

February 22, 2021
Setting a course to Canada’s clean hydrogen economy
Hydrogen must be low carbon to help in climate fight

February 18, 2021
10 actions to ramp up adoption of zero-emission freight vehicles
Freight emissions are expected to surpass passenger vehicles by 2030. Here are 10 ways to build a zero-emission freight sector

February 1, 2021
Strong majority of Albertans support accelerated climate action
Polling reveals two thirds in favour of net-zero by 2050
Oil & Gas, Transportation
January 27, 2021
Clean Fuel Standard will help Canada achieve net-zero by 2050
With a growing clean fuel industry and increasing costs of climate change, delay is not an option

Remote Communities
January 21, 2021
How to boost renewable energy integration in remote communities
Energy policy needs to catch up as innovations allow for effective integration of renewables in microgrids